Monday, October 8, 2012

Why We Age.

            The concept of why we age has never occurred to me. I always knew aging was natural, but I have never wondered why it is natural. After doing some research, i have found that there are quite a few scientific and psychological theories on this topic. On a biological stand point, there are still quite a few, so i am going to sum up a few of them.
            There is the “DNA and Genetics theory” which explains aging based on the programming of our DNA. Based on many external factors, we can either speed up or slow down DNA damage. A theory called “Telomerase Theory of Aging” by scientists at Geron Corporation, and it explains how, every time our cells divide, the telomeres shorten and it is believed that it causes DNA damage because it causes the cells to duplicate incorrectly. Dr. Don Kleinsek, a researcher trying to determine the reasoning for aging, believes that we may be able to inject the correct hormone, in order to help repair our genes. In order to do that, researchers would need to know what each of the telomeres are responsible for. 
            Another theory, first introduces by Professor Vladimir Dilman and Ward Dean, called “ The neuroendoctrine Theory”, which claims wear and tear on the neuroendocrine system is what causes aging.  According to this theory, the hypothalamus and it’s function is what ages us.  The hypothalamus is a small part of our brain that controls the releasing of hormones in our glands and organs. After time, though, the hypothalamus losses its precision and regulatory abilities. Also, the receptors in our body that take in hormones, become less sensitive to the individual hormones, after time.
             There are theories as to why the hypothalamus’s function declines after time. One theory is that the hypothalamus is damaged by Cortisol, a hormone made from our adrenalin glands in the kidneys. Cortisol is a hormone that increases with age, and if it is damaging to the hypothalamus, it becomes a cycle of damage being done to the hypothalamus. Dr. Dean believes that hormone replacement for the hormones in the hypothalamus could open up many doors for improving , controlling, and balancing our endocrine system.
               The next theory is the "Free Radical Theory" and it was started by Denham Herman MD. The name "free radical" refers to a molecule that has an extra electron, and an extra negative charge. Because of the extra electron, the molecule sticks to another molecule and tries to steal its electrons. when this happens, the molecule that had an exctron taken from it, becomes a free radical, and the process starts over. Free radicals often times damage cell membranes and from that comes metabolic waste which, when accumulated, can cause damage to our cells communication, it can disrupt the synthesis of our DNA, RNA, and protein, it can lower our energy levels and it can negatively affect other chemicals and their processes in our bodies. On the other hand, Free radicals can be transformed by free-radical-scavengers. Free radical scavengers are, what we call, anti-oxidants. They can bind to  free radicals, and stabilize them. Though there are many more sources and much more information on this topic, this is a brief summary of a few of the theories as to why we age.

All of my information was found at:

-Renee Gulick. 

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